Monday 15 July 2013

Candy-floss, perfumed birds, fighting pandas and revolving squids (or why I hate the fairy type)

To be honest, I'm thinking of British panel show Mock the Week. For those of you who don't know the show, you can skip to the next paragraph. But for those who do, can you imagine the sheer joy of seeing the team being presented with this for "If this is the answer, what is the question." Now, I'm usually quite quick-witted, with a comeback for everything, but all I've come up with is "Name 4 things you can get in Chinese duty-free." and the eternal answer to a seemingly stupid question: "Name four things."
But the answer to this question is actually "What is the basis for the four newest pokemon designs?"
So let's begin with one of the strangest pokemon they've ever come up with:

Spritzee-The Perfume pokemon

Holy crap that's ugly! I mean, this is why I thought I'd hate the fairy type. It's just And puffy. And yet it still manages to be faintly unsettling. I think it's the huge red eyes. But I just have this...thing against pokemon that look like that, like Jigglypuff, like Glameow. I think it's male genitalia. Yes, I promise that is the last time I'll mention my junk. But seriously, I understand fully that in order to make the fairy type fit into the pokemon pantheon there need to be a fair few, and that the fairy type will be almost entirely made up of cutesy pokemon like this, but I will point out now that with Noivern included there are still only 30 dragons, the countering of which looks to be the fairy type's main purpose, and with Sylveon, Flabebe, Spritzee (sounds like a teenage girl's body spray by the way,) Swirlix, Xerneas, Jigglypuff, Wigglytuff, Marill, Azumarill and Gardevoir confirmed as fairy types, along with 34 other pokemon in the "fairy" egg group, the fairy type needs no further expansion. In fact, if we go with there being 44 fairy-types, based on average numbers of pokemon added per type per generation, there will be more fairy types than pokemon of the ghost, dragon, ice and steel types, which sucks because when dark and steel were introduced in Gen II there were just 6 of each, making them only more common than dragons and ghosts. And I'm not saying that pokemon should be a game for boys, but the majority of pokemon players are, in my opinion, male. And the fairy type allows girls to counter dragons. What do boys do? This entire game, to me, seems a little feminine, and I don't know anyone who's ever had a problem with the gender balance in previous games. So we're done with the fairy type and why I don't much care for it. The only other thing we have is its ability, Healer, which has precisely one use, when run by a tank in conjunction with sweepers in multi-way battles. I doubt this thing is a tank. And we know it will be able to use Aromatherapy, which I think I have used once, with a Roserade which I scrapped after two battles because it was a liability. It's safe to say I won't love it.

Swirlix-The Cotton Candy Pokemon
Ability-Sweet Veil

Kill me. This thing's uglier still, and clearly not for diabetics. I mean, the ice cream was bad enough but cotton candy "melts" in exposure to air, or could get eaten by trainers. Realistically, I've said what I need to about this when I was talking about Spritzee. All that's left to say is this. My beloved dragons are getting beaten by cotton candy. Seriously, the pure destructive force of nature that is Hydreigon is now going to be taken down by SPUN SUGAR! Whatever. Let's move on. Its ability is to be Sweet Veil, preventing the user's team from falling asleep in double and triple battles. I will never use that, and Healer works better in that tiny little niche it might have. Its announced move is Draining Kiss, a new fairy-type draining move. That could work. Next!

At this point I'm gonna stop and weep a little. For all the talk that a bag of trash (which I actually didn't mind) and an ice-cream cone (which I really did mind) meant Gen V had run out of ideas, these two pokemon are a perfume-spraying bird (which I assume works in a department store) and cotton candy. Ironically enough the fairy type has left me feeling a little disenchanted. I'm pretty close to being out on Pokemon X and Y. The next thing up had better be some kind of super-cool squid pokemon.

Inkay-The Revolving Pokemon
Height-1"04 (I think, I've just converted in my head)
Ability-Contrary/Suction Cups

Well, that was lucky. I like this thing a lot, but it's really just a prevolution to this:

Malamar-The Overturning pokemon
Ability-Contrary/Suction Cups

Now this I love. I don't like squid at all, but this is really cool, in a banana-y kind of way. It looks like someone's peeling Ursula from The Little Mermaid. While I let that sink in I'll go onto its typing. Now you may look at dark/psychic and say "no resistances whatsoever." I look at dark/psychic and say "total versatility." Because it only has one weakness, albeit a 4x one, to bug, and offensively it shines like crazy. Surprisingly enough, the niche I think it will have is as a beautiful counter to fighting types. Despite the dark typing removing its fighting resistance, the majority of fighting types run moves to get rid of flying and psychic types, and the dark type usually fixes that. So yeah, love it. It is said to be one of the best hypnotisers of all pokemon, meaning humans sometimes use Malamar to do their evil bidding. That really sounds like it ought to be an evil-team favourite, and yet I thought we'd established they were leaving the dark types for fire. Possibly they'll be using both. I wouldn't mind that at all. To correspond with its hypnotic force, it can use hypnosis, which there's nothing to say about. It will, however, also be able to use a new move called topsy-turvy, which reverses stat changes. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that what Contrary does? So this reverses Contrary's reversal of stat changes and puts them back. Either that or it's only meant to be used with Suction Cups. It strikes me that Suction Cups is a great ability, as there are a lot of pokemon you would want to trap with Malamar, but that Contrary is such a great ability, and currently only available in the Dream World you can go with either ability but with Suction Cups you need topsy-turvy, because it's great. I'm starting to form a team I can see myself using for X and Y, and I think Malamar will definitely be in it. Just one question: Isn't Malamar a candy in the USA?

Pangoro-The Daunting Pokemon
Ability-Iron Fist/ Mold Breaker

Well, I'm daunted. This, as you may have guessed, is Pancham's evolution. A 7" 300lb evil fighting panda. Fair enough. It is apparently violent but fair, and attacks those who pick on the weak. The leaf now has a purpose: it can predict opponent's moves. That could be a signature move, or it could mean nothing. One confirmed move is Hammer Arm, which will be boosted by 20% by Iron Fist, giving it an evil 120 base power. 90 base power Drain Punch, anyone? Or any of the elemental punches at 90? Mold Breaker, on the other hand, allows it to hit ghost users with fighting moves, but why bother when it has dark typing? The only use I can see for it is in Earthquake on the flying types it's not going to fancy facing much. So go Iron Fist, people. It's by far the better ability. I thought, hoped and can now confirm it will be fighting/dark, a typing it shares with Scraggy and Scrafty, who don't use what is pretty kickass typing to very good effect. I could actually make a REALLY good dark-type team in Y version, starting with Yvetal, Malamar and Pancham. I LOVE those three.

More later, peeps.
P.S. Sorry about the formatting people. The program is...playing up, to say the least.

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