Saturday 15 June 2013

You'd Better Shape Up

The song from Grease is now playing in your head, no? You're welcome. Anyway, this is just a word about some themes I noticed in the new pokemon. Some of them might mean something. Some don't.

First, as I've said, there's a lot of this kinda brown-and-black-mixed-with-brights colouring about, enough that I think it's fair to say it'll be a theme among the new pokemon. That's really cool. It looks great. That's all I'm gonna say on that.

The other one is more complicated. The other one is on geometry. Look through the pictures I've posted of the new pokemon. Almost all of them feature some sort of out-of-place geometric shape, and there are a huge variety of shapes shown. Circles, squares, triangles, rectangles, parallelograms, ellipses, diamonds, arrows and even a parabola. Hold that thought. We'll get there.

Let's look at Helioptile. Yes, that giant picture of him up there.There are triangles between its eyes and on its ears and ellipses in its eyes. In 3 dimensions its head is very round, its tail is very pointed and its entire body is shaped a bit like a parabola. Heck, even its signature move is Parabola Charge. A parabola, stop me if I'm going too fast, is a graph of the function fx=ax^2n. It's a quadratic graph, and in its simplest form it looks like this...
Yes, it thoroughly confuses me how much Helioptile, as well as pokemon like Spewpa, Noivern, Fletchling (look by its eyes) are so full of geometric shapes they look like half-finished Mickey-Mouse drawings. What does it all mean?

PS, if you can find all the shapes I mentioned then you're as big a geek as me.

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