Saturday 15 June 2013

Guys and Claydols

OK, first thing to say is that I am not sexist. These are observations on the game, and on what Gamefreak has done, and not my opinions on the genders.
Something's just occured to me. Really, since Xerneas and Yvetal were released, I've been thinking that they'd be the masculine and feminine pokemon.You can read more about that here. Really pokemon doesn't, or rather didn't, have recognisably masculine or feminine types. There are certainly pokemon mostly associated with one gender, mostly with girls, but no type is really exclusive to either gender. Until now. The fairy type is largely a girly type, one that I don't fancy using much. All of the pokemon that have so far been confirmed as fairy type are ones that most people consider girly, and male trainers don't tend to use. All my speculations about the tiny teasers of X and Y we've had are coming together. Xerneas will be the girly pokemon, or something like that, and have fairy typing. Fairy/steel has kinda gone out the window, because steel is quite a masculine type. So that remains to be seen. But what does this mean for Yvetal? I haven't a clue. Becaause if any types are considered masculine they're probably steel and fighting, and Yvetal doesn't look like either. But another more boy-favoured type is fire, and doesn't Yvetal look very much like a fire type? Which is drawing me down the route of fire/dragon or fire/dark as Yvetal's typing. I think fire will be super-effective against fairy types by the way. It looks fire/dark, and Reshiram does very well in the fire/dragon mascot legendary pokemon thank you very much, but fire/dragon makes sense in terms of battling Xerneas on an even ground. Poison keeps floationg by my head but I can't place it at all. Fire/poison? Interesting. And the other possibility is that there will be another new type. But what? The problem is, very clear lines are drawn for boys as kids as to what is and isn't considered manly enough, whereas girls can get away with doing anything boys do. I can't believe that. But I don't know exactly what to believe.....

I'd love to hear people's opinions. Am I right? Wrong? Insane? Comment and tell me what you think. But please no sexism.

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