Wednesday 12 June 2013

Starters for Nintendo

The other pokemon that were revealed before Corocoro in May were the starters. They're kinda cool. I could go in Pokedex order, or alphabetical order, but since they're both the same, who cares? We're starting with...


Chespin is the grass-type starter. It's actually one of my favourite grass-type starters ever in terms of looks. It's actually kinda nice not to just see the same-old same-old. Venusaur, Meganium and Torterra are all big mammals with plants growing on them. Sceptile and Serperior are both big snake/lizards. I can't guarantee that it won't evolve into a big plant but it shouldn't. It's also REALLY cute, like as in seriously cute. It's one of only two starter pokemon that has ever made me shout "I want one!" with the other being Cyndaquil. It has been confirmed as pure grass-type, making Bulbasaur the only unevolved starter to boast two types. But obviously it will evolve, and hopefully when it does it will have a second type. There have only been two so far that have, and they've been grass/poison Venusaur and grass/ground Torterra, neither of which is especially good typing. Give grass half a chance, and give it a useful second type. Steel works really well in Ferrothorn but I can't see Chespin becoming a steel type. What I can see happening is grass/rock, like with Cradily. With the exception of Ferrothorn and other grass/steels, all grass-type pokemon and possible new grass type pokemon have at least 3 type weaknesses, and as many as 7. Rock has 4, with 2 resistances, but importantly it's not weak to fire type moves. And offensively it can take on a wide variety of types. It also looks vaguely rock-type. So yes, I think Chespin may be grass/rock type, and I like it.

Vulpix Fennekin

Ok, yes, to address the elephant in the room, it is another fire-type fox. But I've thought about it, and I don't have a problem with that. All starter pokemon have a kind of approachability, almost as if you might see one in real life. That is to say, they're all to a greater or lesser degree based on real animals, and none of them is too left-field. They are, with, one would guess, around 800 pokemon, running out of ideas and having to return to old designs. And foxes are probably the most fire-looking of all pokemon. So as long as Fennekin's evolutions don't look like Ninetails and there's a second type that works and ISN'T fighting, I really don't mind. Anyway, Vulpix gets the cutesy side of fox and Fennekin is more snooty looking. Fire type starters tend to start off cute (again I'm gonna cite Cyndaquil, but also Torchic, Emboar, Charmander and Chimchar) and end up looking kinda tough and really cool. Fingers crossed. Now, having seen Talonflame I doubt very much it'll be fire/flying. Also, it's a fox. If they do a flying-fox pokemon that's actually a fox that flies I'm done with the games. The snooty look almost makes me think dark. That'd be cool, because the first time I do a post about past generations I'll mention Houndoom as one I love. But it could also be ground.Fire/ground is fox-appropriate and great typing, although it will have to deal with a 4x water weakness. But we'll have to see.

Poliwag Froakie

Yes, it IS still funny the second time. But again it's distinctive enough to satisfy me as long as its evolutions are unique. Water starters more than any other type run the gamut of animals, from turtle to crocodile to penguin, two I'm struggling to identify and now a frog. But yeah it's kinda cool and almost a little nerdy-looking. In this case I am pretty sure its evolutions will be water-fighting, unfortunately the same as Poliwrath. If any of them are fairy type, it'll be Froakie I imagine. But I doubt it.



Yeah, this really does have the potential to be a really good set of starters. If they go exactly with my suggestions (which I highly doubt) I think I'd like Fennekin. But I'll have to see what else comes out before the game.  I never like to make my decisions before I know all the facts.

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