Sunday 16 June 2013

The overused types

OK, I'm gonna go back to something I said yesterday, about how tired I am of water types. I love water-type pokemon, but over 1/6 of all pokemon are water-type, and I'm bored now. Water is the most common type up to Gen V, and has been paired with 15 of the 16 other types it could be. There's a reason for that, it's easy. Any seabound animal is automatically a water type, and with a huge amount of the earth's species living in water that gives them a lot of choice for design. Virtually all of the water type pokemon make sense, and they're easy designs, especially with the necessity for pokemon to be able to use moves like surf, dive, waterfall and whirlpool. By the way, the one type water has never been paired with is fire, which makes sense because how? Scald, in Gen V, was the closest water and fire came to being "friends." But a fire/water design is still very tricky. I thought long and hard about how fire and water would be compatible and scald is the key. It's a steam cloud pokemon, with the ability levitate, and the ability to learn moves like scald, flamethrower and smokescreen. I kinda like that idea. So for Gen VI let's have Froakie and its evolutions; let's have Skrelp, who I think is really cool; let's have Clauncher as the token surf-slave, and let's add my steam cloud. Maybe a usable water/bug pokemon, because Surskit has great typing but awful stats.And really that will do for water types. By all means add some earlier pokemon to irritate the heck out of me make surfing more interesting, but don't make another game that's so water-heavy.

Ditto flying.  It's another type that has been paired with 15 types, and again over 1/8 of all pokemon are flying types. Again, I love flying types, I am waaaaay too lazy not to always have a Fly user in my party, and I think some of them are really cool, despite me having a bit of a bird phobia. Tornadus was the first ever pure flying-type pokemon, which is surprising until you remember that all the pokemon that would be considered pure flyers and not things like dragons and...whatever Skarmory is are birds, and therefore normal type as well. But surely Togetic and Togekiss should've been pure flying. But there's the thing. With Fletchling being announced for Gen VI, that makes 25 normal/flying type pokemon, and as I said here, it's not very good typing. Also, bug/flying, and dragon/flying. Both have been announced for X and Y and they desperately need to be retired. Dragon/flying in particular is a horrible waste of dragon typing, unless the flying type resists the fairy type (here's hoping, flying type's really not very good defensively.) Also, some of the flying type pokemon, unlike the water type, make no sense as being flying type. Hi, Gyarados.Mind you, with the advent of sky battles (coming later) it makes the flying type more tantalising and basically makes it have its own battle tier. But really, let's not go flying crazy again, Gamefreak.

Thirdly, I'm going to go to the fifth most-common type, because there's no fighting the normal type in second, and the grass type in fourth annoys me a lot less than the type in fifth, which I think is overused. Since this is in pink, you probably already know what it is. It's...psychic. Yes, people will hate me for this, but I don't like psychic very much. Other people seem to love psychioc types. I think it's kinda weak. The thing I really want for the psychic type is simple. NO MORE LEGENDARIES! There are 14 psychic-type legendaries, which is too many. Mewtwo's new form will almost certainly be at least part psychic type. Let that be it. No more psychic-type legendaries who can hit hard and not take a hit. One word: Darkrai. We just don't need any more. 15 will do.

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