Saturday 15 June 2013

....To the ridiculous

There still aren't many pokemon on this list that I hate. It's just that there are some problems with all of them. That said, if all of the 100-140 pokemon in X and Y were to reflect the pokemon we've already seen in quality I'd be thrilled. First up is....

6) Skrelp-The Pseudo-Seaweed Pokemon


Good typing, allowing the water type to beat grass, and the concept's pretty cool, the idea that it pretends to be seaweed to poison opponents. A great idea. The brown/purple/blue colour combo is really ugly, and so is the entire design but I think that's deliberate. When I first saw this it was 9th or 10th but it's steadily climbed, and I'm not even sure it's not top 5. It uses Sludge Bomb, that's standard. And it could maybe evolve. I doubt it but it could. It's 6th, but only because I can't be bothered changing the last post to make it 5th.

7) The Vivillion line

Scatterbug-The Powder Blowing Pokemon

It's an unevolved bug pokemon. It's never, ever gonna be any use at all in battle. So let's look at design. It was always gonna look like either Caterpie or Weedle. So they've, cleverly I think, made it a bit of both. And finally, after all my complaints, bug types do come in black. I love the black and neutral colouring (3rd time) and I think it's pretty good looking as bugs go. It looks more modern than you'd expect. I like it a lot.

Spewpa-Also The Powder Blowing Pokemon


Still not gonna be any use to anyone. It kinda looks like a Larvesta in mourning gear, but I don't hate it. Yeah, the black/neutral/orange/white colour combo is really cool. The shapes in it, I'll save for the next post, but there's something interesting. Again, nice design.

Vivillion-The Scales Pokemon


Despite not being the type for "pretty" things or pink, I love this design. Butterflies are a little symbolic thing between me and someone I love, so whenever possible I like using them, and this one is nice. I don't get how we go from brown and orange to pink and blue but bug types tend to do that. Struggle bug has been confirmed for it, but that's not a move I like much. Bug/flying is the other type combo that's very overdone, and I'm bored of it. Again, it's not great typing. I'd have thought bug/fairy. There's apparently a "big secret" to do with its scales. How big? This better not be a silly little thing in the anime. Put your money where your mouth is, Gamefreak. But colour me interested.

By the way, there are two big reasons why these are down in 7th place. One, and I know this is immature, Vivillion looks like it has an erection. And two, where I come from "spew" means "vomit." Why not Spupa? It will always be the vomit larva pokemon to me.

8) Gogoat-The Ride Pokemon


It's fine. It's a pretty standard grass type. It is the first goat pokemon ever, but that's only a small point in its favour. It's just so standard
"But you can ride it"
This is true, and if it were the only pokemon you could ride I may like it more, but now that Rhyhorn and possibly any number of other pokemon have also been confirmed as ride-able it's not as cool. Yawn. Next!

9) Noivern-The Sonic Pokemon


I've changed my mind! Bring back the boring goat! Because this may be the ugliest pokemon ever. It's hideous, in colour and design. The speakers on its head I get but don't like at all. Boomburst may be a cool move but it won't work at all in double/triple battles. Dragon/flying is yet another overused typing, and with the weakening of dragon in Gen VI it's not even all that good any more. This pokemon ended up being both weird and dull, which is an achievement. The only thing I hate more is...

10) Clauncher-The Water Gun Pokemon


Well here it is. I have an almost irrational hatred for this one. It's just so hard to get excited about yet another standard fish pokemon with standard water typing, the most common in the game, and average looks. In fact, this could be a joke. Because this feels like a collage, taking parts of every other water-type pokemon and combining them in an ugly way. But wait! It has Crabhammer! You mean the move with pretty good power, subpar PP and accuracy and a high critical hit ratio. That crabhammer? That's nothing to get excited about. Don't you look so snootily at me, you idiot! You're nothing special.

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