Wednesday 12 June 2013

Just the one new type?

Well E3 11/6/13 confirmed that the fairy type is entering the game. I had hoped it would be light type representing goodness, in the same way as dark type represents evil, but fairy probably works better. Among those pokemon to be incorporated into the fairy type are Gardevoir, Jigglypuff and Marill. I'm not even gonna suggest Clefairy might be another, but surely Blissey will. Anyway, they're sensible and useful pokemon to have as fairy type, especially Gardevoir, who once had a niche until Gallade came along. It's also been confirmed that Sylveon will be fairy type. Who didn't see that coming. I've been pretty sure for weeks either the light type or the fairy type was coming because of Sylveon. I think, even though I tend to prefer cool, masculine-looking pokemon, who specialise in attack (which I doubt fairy will,)  I'll like the fairy type as a type. My other suspicion, which was confirmed , was that fairy would be super-effective against dragons. It was looking back at what happened between Gen I and Gen II that made me suspicious. Psychic types were absolutely deadly, almost uncounterable with the lack of a dark type, immunity to the ghost type and the general awfulness of bug types, and Mewtwo, the best pokemon in terms of stats, was pure psychic-type. Gen II (and indeed Gens III, IV and V) radically improved the bug type, made the ghost-type immunity into a weakness and introduced the dark type. Psychic went from being a defensive nightmare to, in my head, although I know a lot of people disagree with me, one of the weaker types. Gen II also introduced the steel type, which remains at least until Gen V the only type to resist dragon-type moves, which compromised the dragon-type's usefulness as an all-round sweeper. Unlike psychic though, dragon remined at the absolute front of the pack, able to hit 16 types for a huge chunk of damage, owner of incredibly powerful moves, and perhaps most of all defensively killer, resistant to 4 common types and only weak to itself and ice (which people only really use to counter dragon anyway.) Like psychic, it is dragon's turn to fall from grace, although not as far I don't think. My other question concerns the fate of two of my other favourite types, ghost and dark. They are both defensively very solid, and would both make sense as targets for fairy attacks. There may be other types. But I have no evidence there will or won't be.There is still a lot to be confirmed.....

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