Saturday 17 August 2013

You sly fox, you

And Fennekin continues to confuse and intrigue me. I had what I thought was a lock on it being a fire/fairy, information. The pokemon game show revealed that the fairy type will be not very effective on the fire type. That's a spanner not so much in the works as in the balls. On the one hand, that suggests something I initially thought may well be true: that the fire type counters the fairy type, but as for my thoughts that Fennekin's Glow Punch would be fairy type, that's not looking likely. Because, assuming that the battle dynamics stay the same and a hit super-effective on one of a pokemon's types and not-very-effective on the other will be neutral (e.g.  fire attacks on ice/dragon type Kyurem,) a fairy-type hit should at best be neutral on fire/normal Litleo. That's not a good sign at all for Fennekin not being fighting type. Assuming pre-existing type matchups will remain the same, that leaves Glow Punch as being fighting, water, ground or rock type, and it....doesn't look like any but being a punch fighting leads the charge. In summary, either Glow Punch is not fairy type, or Fairy type will be 4x effective against the normal type. And that's a terrible idea.

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