Friday 9 August 2013

Just the facts

More from Corocoro, as the details begin to firm up about MegaPokemon.
First of all, Megaevolution does happen via Mega Stones. The Blazikenite that event Torchic will be holding is one such item.
Megaevolution will raise stats in various ways, with MegaLucario having higher Attack and MegaAbsol having increased Attack and Speed.
There are two slightly disappointing pieces of information. First, which I sorta thought was so obvious it wasn't worth saying but which they've announced so I'll pass it on, not all pokemon will have these Megaevolutions but it won't just be the 6 announced yesterday. Second, megaevolutions will only be in effect in battle. One other thing that has been announced is that Blazikenite will not be found in normal gameplay, which somewhat suggests all the Megapokemon will be distributed via events.
The Master Tower will somehow be involved in Megaevolution.

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