Thursday 15 August 2013

Corocorocorocorocoro chameleon

It has been confirmed that next month's Corocoro won't reveal as big a twist as this month's but will continue giving us bits and pieces from the game. It is worth noting that this will be the penultimate Corocoro before the new games are released, with the last being around a week before the worldwide release. It is now less than 2 months until the new games, and given that we only have about 30 of what will probably be 100-150 pokemon we can expect the number of new pokemon to be significant. New megaevolutions will be revealed, and so, perhaps most interestingly, will the fairy type's battle properties. Given that I, along with many other enthusiasts, am now pretty sure Fennekin will evolve to be fairy type, I wonder if that means we'll get to see the other starters' evolutions. If Fennekin's move Glow Punch, which is our biggest clue, is in fact fairy type then the fairy type does supereffective damage to either fire, normal or both types. It seems most likely to be normal. In other news, so far no new ice types have been revealed, and there's likely to be a handful, so expect at least one. The number of new legendaries has risen steadily game by game, from 5 in Gen I to 6 then 10 then 14 and finally 13 in Gen V. This number fell for the first time from Gen IV to Gen V but I don't for a moment believe that the only legendaries of Gen VI will be Xerneas and Yvetal, so there are more to come or to be announced as legendaries from the existing pokemon. But I bet there's at least one to come, because if the two we have don't make up two parts of a trio it'll be the first time since Gen II. There's a Rayquaza/Giratina/Kyurem to come. I'll be here to judge it. Oh, wait, I've still got the 3 new pokemon from Corocoro to do. They all suck. Whatever. I'll do it tomorrow.

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