Saturday 17 August 2013

I don't like any of these damn pokemon

OK, disclaimer, this is the latest I've been with info, but things have gone nuts both in my life and the pokemon world over the last 3 weeks or so, and I've had a lot to blog and not much time to do it in. That's actually not why it's taken me so long to get this done, that's just because I have nothing interesting to say on the subject. But eventually I decided as a blogger if I have nothing interesting to say, that's what I have to say.

Along with the megaevolutions and so on, September's Corocoro also unveiled three new pokemon, with their Japanese names, followed by their English. They're kind of all indicative of the problems I've been having with Gen VI's pokemon thus far. Let's go.


Skiddo- The Mount Pokemon (Giggity!)
Ability- Sap Sipper

It's Gogoat's pre-volution. It is also rideable. It can learn Leaf Blade. I'm done.

Bunnelby- The Digging Pokemon

Ability- Cheek pouch/ pickup

Buneary called. It sounded angry. Cheek pouch is a new ability, clearly somehow related to the real-life ability of certain mammals (hamsters come to mind) that can store food in pouches in their cheeks. That might be an HP-replenishing ability, but it's hard to tell.

Dedenne- The Antenna Pokemon

Ability-Cheek pouch/pickup

This isn't a horrible pokemon by any means, in fact it's pretty adorable and well-conceived, but it's nothing new. Does an electric rodent sound familiar? Yeah, if it wasn't for the fact all 3 members' names end in -chu I'd swear it was a new Pikachu evolution. It still might be. And that's not a mistake, it really does have the same abilities as Bunnelby. I like it, and electric/fairy looks like pretty good offensive typing, but it feels very uninspired and a bit derivative.

Sorry again for the horrible formatting. I'm having issues with the program at the minute and adding pictures is hard.

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